Course Proposal (online) - UCONN Adult Learning Program
** Latest Course Changes: (See "On-Line Registrations" for details) Postponed- Spring 2025 FSS-01 Caravaggio, Change of Venue: FSS-05 Life on the Connecticut River- Chapel, FSS-11 Indian Rights - Heritage Hall, Change of Date: FSS-09 Cas Gilbert - Wed. Oct. 30th @ 1pm

Course Proposal (online)

Name of Course
Semester Fall Spring Yet to be determined
Number of Sessions
Length of sessions: 1.5 Hours 2.0 Hours 2.5 Hours 3.0 Hours
Preferred Day/Time/Dates:Please indicate the strength of your preference, and give other choices if you can. For example, is the day and time the only time slot you can use? Are you flexible? Can you come any day except a specific one?)
Cancellation PreferenceIf the class is cancelled because of weather or for another reason, should we reschedule the class or cancel it?
Please Reschedule Cancel
MethodSelect the method that best describes your plans for this course
Please Lecture with Q&A DVDs with discussion Reading/Discussion ZOOM Lecture with Q&A Skill/Activity Other (Add comments below)
Maximum Class Size
Course Description
Further InformationComments about the course you are proposing
Presenter Information
Professional Title:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Email Address:
Cell Phone:
IntroductionPlease provide us with an introduction of yourself (100 words max)
Room and Equipment Needs
Tables Number of small tables: (One will be provided to sign-in)
Number of large tables:
Visuals: DVD player VCR Whiteboard Projector (to connect to a computer)
Computer/Projection: Power Point: Please note that all PowerPoint files must be provided one week prior to your presentation, so that projection and screen arrangements can be assessed. Please contact your Coordinator for details.

Check if you will be bringing your own computer. If so, let us know if your computer cannot connect to a standard VGA cable, so a computer can be provided for you to use.
Microphones:Unless otherwise requested, large-audience courses will be provided with a handheld microphone on the podium for the presenter and two additional handheld microphones will be used for questions.

Check if you need a lapel microphone

** A prior appointment must be made to adjust the device to your voice, usually about a half-hour before the first meeting. Please contact your coordinator about this.
Additional Set-Up Information
ALP/ Curriculum Committee Contact/Coordinator
Contact/Coordinator's email
**When you have completed the ALP course proposal form, save it on your computer with your name as part of the file name and send it as an email attachment to each of the following people:, , and ** Thank you very much for your interest in proposing a course for the Adult Learning Program (ALP). For further information about ALP or questions about the Proposal Form, please contact Jenny Gaines in the ALP Office (860-785-5609 or
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