Volunteer Form - UCONN Adult Learning Program
The Syllabus for Jane Barstow's "Women Writing about Marriage"

is posted in Classes / Recent Program Materials

Volunteer Form

If you are an ALP member who has enjoyed ALP classes and are looking for a way to give back, look at the following opportunities and see where your talents may best serve ALP:

The Ongoing Needs of ALP:

Serve as ALP Webmaster’s Assistant - Help keep the website current by removing and replacing information and perform general website maintenance.
Serve as ALP-Horn Editor’s Assistant - Learn the procedures involved in how to produce the ALP Horn Newsletter.
Curriculum Committee - Participate in course planning, coordination and follow through with presenters.
Event and Membership Support Committee - Participate in planning ALP’s regular non-Zoom events in normal times. Also, conduct membership outreach.
Communications Committee - Publicize ALP in various ways as needs are determined by the board of directors.
ALP Class Presentations - Present a seminar or single session class, or put us in touch with a possible presenter.
Email Address:
Phone Number: