| Event: | SSS-06 The Kiss of Death: Pernicious Anemia and the Story of Vitamin B-12 | Dates: | 4/8 | Time: | 10:00 to 12:00 | Category: | Spring2025-SingleSession | Location: | Seabury Heritage Hall | Presenter: | Jon Dixon, MD | Pernicious Anemia is a disease caused by the lack of Vitamin B-12. It was at one time an almost universally fatal disease, characterized by progressive inanition and neurological deterioration. Before its cause and treatment were discovered, patients typically died within 1-3 years. It was, in fact, the "kiss of death". This session will tell the story about the history, the science, and the people behind the discovery of its cause that in turn lead to its treatment, such that now it is considered a most benign and easily cured condition.